Zones of WoTmud

To see how the zones fit into the Wheel of Time map, visit the explore page.


Zones are the basic building blocks into which the map of the Wheel of Time MUD is divided. Each zone consists of up to 100 rooms, which may connect to each other with North, South, East, West, Up, and Down exits, as well as connecting to other zones in a similar fashion.

Zone Lists

Current Zones

There are 236 zones that players can access ingame.

Name Grid Repop Region Scalp
A Bandit Stronghold |(2,3) | |The Black Hills the Caralain Grass
Almoth Plain - Arad Doman Border | | |Almoth PlainArad Doman
Along the Spine of the World | | |The Spine of the World Spine of the World
Amadicia (zone) | | |Amadicia Amadicia
Amadician Countryside | | |Amadicia the Wilderness
Amador (zone) | | |Amadicia Amadicia
Andoran Countryside East |(7,-1) | |Andor the Spine of the World
Andoran Countryside West |(6,-1) | |Andor Andor
Arad Doman East | 90 | |Arad Doman
Arad Doman West | | |Arad Doman the Wilderness
Aringill |(6,0) | |Andor Andor
Baerlon |(-3,0) | |Andor Andor
Bandar Eban (zone) | | |Arad Doman the Wilderness
Barren Hills | | | the Blasted Lands
Beneath the Desolate Mountains | | |The Blight the Blight
Black Hills |(3,4) | |The Black Hills the Black Hills
Blighted Grove | | |The Blight
Blighted Hills | | |The Blight
Blighted Mountain Pass | | |The Blight the Blight
Blighted Mountains | | |The Blight the Blight
Blighted Ruins | | |The Blight the Blasted Lands
Blighted Valley | | |The Blight Plain of Lances
Blue and White Ajah Quarters |(6,5) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
Borderlands North of Fal Dara | | |Shienar Shienar
Borderlands West of Fal Dara | | |Shienar Shienar
Braem Wood |(2,1) | |Andor the Braem Wood
Brown Ajah Quarters and Library |(6,5) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon |(-2,0) | |Andor Andor
Caemlyn Road East of Whitebridge |(1,0) | |Andor Andor
Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge |(-1,0) | |Andor Andor
Cairhien (zone) |(8,3) | |Cairhien Cairhien
Cairhien Province |(7,2) | |Cairhien Cairhien
Caralain Grass |(3,2) | |The Caralain Grass the Caralain Grass
Central Tremalking | | |Tremalking the Wilderness
City in the Blight | 30 | |The Blight the Blight
City of Illian | | |Illian Illian
City of Seandar | | |Seanchan Empire Seandar
Cold Rocks Hold | | |The Aiel Waste
Court of Nine Moons and Tower of Ravens | | |Seanchan Empire Seandar
Dark Forest | | |
Dark Fortress | | |The Blight
Darkwood | | | Tarabon
Deadly Braem East | 55 | | Andor
Deadly Braem West | | |
Decayed Forest | | |The Blight
Deception Pass | | | the Blasted Lands
Deep Within the Blasted Lands | 30 | |The Blight the Blasted Lands
Deep Within the Spine of the World | | |The Spine of the World
Deep in Haddon Mirk | | |The Haddon Mirk the Haddon Mirk
Desolate Valley in the Spine | | |The Spine of the World
Deven Ride |(-3,-8) | |The Two Rivers Ghealdan
Domani Coastal Palace | | |Arad Doman Arad Doman
Drowned Lands | | |The Haddon Mirk Mayene
East City of Tanchico | | |Tarabon Tarabon
East Tremalking | | |Tremalking the Wilderness
East of the Waterwood |(0,-6) | |AltaraThe Two Rivers Andor
Eastern Borderlands | | | Arafel
Eastern Plains of Maredo |(5,-5) | |The Plains of Maredo
Emond's Field |(-3,-6) | |The Two Rivers Two Rivers
Endless Blight | | |The Blight the Blight
Fal Dara Outskirts | | |Shienar Shienar
Fal Dara Road |(6,6) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
Fal Dara | | |Shienar Shienar
Fallow Hills | | |Kandor Plain of Lances
Falme | | |Toman Head the Wilderness
Far Madding - Tear Road |(6,-5) | |Far Madding the Haddon Mirk
Flood Plains of Seandar | 50 | |Seanchan Empire Seandar
Foothills Bordering the Spine | | |The Spine of the WorldShienar Shienar
Foothills of Tamika | | |Seanchan Empire Seandar
Forested Hills | | |Amadicia Amadicia
Forested Valley | | | Andor
Forgotten Braem |(3,1) | | the Braem Wood
Fortress of Light Dungeon | | |Amadicia Amadicia
Fortress of Light | | |Amadicia Amadicia
Four Kings |(3,0) | |Andor Andor
Glancor |(5,-3) | |Far Madding the Hills of Kintara
Grasslands North of Seandar | | |Seanchan Empire Seandar
Grasslands |(3,5) | |Tar Valon the Black Hills
Green and Yellow Ajah Quarters |(6,5) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
Haddon Mirk | | |The Haddon Mirk Tear
High Upon the Spine of the World | | |The Spine of the World
Horse Thief Zone | | | Seandar
Illian Countryside | | |Illian Illian
Illian Peninsula | | |Illian Illian
Illian Road | | |Illian Illian
Imre Stand | | |The Aiel Waste
In the Aiel Waste | | |The Aiel Waste
In the Forest |(-1,1) | | Andor
In the Mountains of Mist | | |The Mountains of Mist the Mountains of Mist.
Inner Caemlyn |(5,0) | |Andor Andor
Isle Jafar | | |Jafar the Wilderness
Isle of Madmen North | | |The Isle of Mad Men Seandar
Isle of Madmen South | | |The Isle of Mad Men Seandar
Jangai Pass | | |The Spine of the World
Jehannah | | |Ghealdan Ghealdan
Kandor (zone) | | |Kandor Kandor
King's Palace and Council Hall | | |Illian
Kinslayer's Dagger |(8,4) | |Cairhien Cairhien
Light Woods and Plains | | |Arafel Kandor
Lockshear | | | the Blasted Lands
Lugard (zone) |(3,-3) | |Murandy Murandy
Lugard Road Through Murandy |(3,-5) | |Murandy Murandy
Lugard Rooftops |(3,-3) | |Murandy Murandy
Lush Forestland | | | Saldaea
Maerone |(7,1) | |Cairhien Cairhien
Maradon | | |Saldaea
Mayene (city) | | |Mayene Mayene
Mayene Peninsula | | |Mayene Mayene
Mining Tunnels | | |The Mountains of Mist the Mountains of Mist
Mountains of Mist | | |The Mountains of Mist the Mountains of Mist
Moveable Trolloc Camp | | | the Wilderness
New Far Madding North | | |Far Madding the Plains of Maredo
New Far Madding South | | |Far Madding the Plains of Maredo
North Misty Mountains |(-5,-6) | |The Mountains of MistThe Two Rivers the Mountains of Mist
North Road |(-3,-3) | |The Two Rivers Andor
North of Aringill |(5,1) | |Andor Andor
North of Lockshear | | |The Blight The Blight
Northeast Shores of Tar Valon |(6,5) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
Northern Almoth Plain | | |Almoth Plain
Northern Borderlands | | |
Northern Fal Dara Road | | |Shienar
Northern Plains of Altara |(1,-5) | |Altara Altara
Northern Shayol Ghul | | |The Blight the Blight
Northwest Tremalking | | |Tremalking the Wilderness
Old Road | | |The Two Rivers Two Rivers
Outer Caemlyn |(5,0) | |Andor Andor
Outskirts of Whitebridge |(0,1) | |Andor Andor
Parched Ground | | |Shienar the Blasted Lands
Pine Forest | | |The Great Forest Saldaea
Plains Along the Blight Border | | |Saldaea Saldaea
Quarry Road | | |The Two Rivers Two Rivers
Red and Gray Ajah Quarters |(6,5) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
Rocky Foothills | | |The Spine of the World Shienar
Rocky Trail | | |The Spine of the World the Spine of the World
Rugged Hills of Murandy |(2,-4) | |Murandy Murandy
Ruined Blight | | |The Blight The Blight
Ruins of Rhahime Naille |(3,8) | |The Black Hills Arafel
Saldaean Farmlands | | |Saldaea Saldaea
Saldaean Plains | | |Saldaea
Scorched Earth | | |
Seanchan Outpost | | |The Haddon Mirk
Seanchan Shore | | |Seanchan Empire Seandar
Seanchan Smob Chain | | |Seanchan Empire Seandar
Serenda Palace | | |Amadicia the Wilderness
Shadar Logoth II | | |
Shadar Logoth I | | | Andor
Shadowspawn Stronghold | | |The Blight
Shayol Ghul | | |The Blight the Blight
Snowy Mountains | | |Arad DomanThe Mountains of Mist the Mountains of Mist
South Misty Mountains | | |The Mountains of Mist the Mountains of Mist
South of Amador | | |Amadicia the Wilderness
South of Cold Rocks Hold | | |The Aiel Waste
South of Whitebridge |(0,-2) | |Andor Andor
Southeast Shores of Tar Valon |(6,5) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
Southern Almoth Plain | 75 | |Almoth Plain Tarabon
Southern Kandor | | |Kandor
Southern Saldaean Countryside | | |Saldaea Saldaea
Southwest Tremalking | | |Tremalking the Wilderness
Sparse Woods | | | Kandor
Spine of the World Southern Range | | |The Spine of the World
Sprawling Savannah | | | Kandor
Stedding Shangtai | | |The Spine of the World
Stedding Tsochan | | |The Great Forest Andor
Stedding Yandar | | |Almoth Plain Toman Head
Stone Fortress | | |Kandor Kandor
Tanchico Road | | |Tarabon Tarabon
Tanchico | 45min - 1h - verify? | |East City of TanchicoWest City of TanchicoTarabon
Tar Valon (zone) |(6,5) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
Tar Valon Forest | | |Tar Valon the Black Hills
Tar Valon Road North of Caemlyn |(5,2) | |Andor Andor
Tar Valon Road South of Tar Valon |(5,4) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
Taren Ferry |(-3,-1) | |The Two Rivers Andor
Tarendrelle at the Eldar |(-1,-2) | |Andor Andor
Tarwin's Gap | | |Shienar the Blasted Lands
Tear (zone) | | |Tear Tear
Tear Road |(6,-8) | |Tear Tear
Thakan'dar | | |The Blight the Blight
The Blasted Lands | | |The Blight the Blasted Lands
The Blight (zone) | | |The Blight the Blight
The Cairhien Hills |(7,4) | |Cairhien the Wilderness
The Cairhien to Tar Valon Road |(6,3) | |Cairhien Tar Valon
The Coastal Roadway | | |IllianTear the Plains of Maredo
The Countryside of Far Madding |(4,-5) | |Far Madding the Plains of Maredo
The Dark Road | | |The Blight the Blasted Lands
The Dry Forest | | | Mayene
The Dying Plains | | |The Blight the Blight
The Endless Waste | | |The Aiel Waste
The Hills of Kintara |(5,-2) 60 | |Kintara the Hills of Kintara
The Kandori Keep | | |Kandor Kandor
The Lakeside of Far Madding |(6,-4) | |Far Madding the Wilderness
The Long Fal Dara Road | | |Shienar
The Lugard Highway |(3,-2) | |Murandy Murandy
The North Black Hills |(3,6) | |The Black Hills the Black Hills
The Plain of Lances | | |Arafel Arafel
The Ruined Keep | | |The Blight the Blasted Lands
The Sea of Storms | | |IllianTear the Wilderness
The Shadow Coast East | | |The Shadow Coast
The Shadow Coast West | | |The Shadow Coast the Wilderness
The South Black Hills |(3,3) | |The Black Hills the Caralain Grass
The Still Forest | | |The Great Forest Andor
The Stone of Tear | | |Tear Tear
The Sun Palace |(8,3) | |Cairhien Cairhien
The Sunken Castle | | |Jafar the Wilderness
The Tar Valon to Cairhien Road |(6,4) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
The Tear to Illian Road | | |Tear Tear
The Volcano | | |The Two Rivers the Mountains of Mist
The Waterless Sands | | | the Wilderness
The Waterwood |(-2,-6) | |The Two Rivers Two Rivers
The Ways | | |
Thin Woodlands | | |Arafel Arafel
Toman Head Road | | |Toman Head the Wilderness
Treacherous Mountains Within the Spine | | |The Spine of the World
Tunnels and Caverns Beneath the Blight | | |The Blight
Twisted Forestlands | | |Kandor Kandor
Underground | | |The Blight the Blasted Lands
Upper Floors of the White Tower |(6,5) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
Valan Luca's Menagerie |(0,0) | | Andor
Volcanic Blight | | |The Blight
Wandering the Thick Forest | | | Saldaea
Waste Bordering the Spine | | |The Aiel Waste
Wastelands | | | Shienar
Watch Hill |(-3,-5) | |The Two Rivers Two Rivers
West City of Tanchico | | |Tarabon
Western Misty Mountains | | |The Mountains of Mist Amadicia
Western Plains of Maredo |(4,-4) | |The Plains of Maredo
Westwood by the Mountains | | |The Two Rivers Two Rivers
White Tower (zone) |(6,5) | |Tar Valon Tar Valon
Whitebridge |(0,0) | |Andor Andor
Windbiter's Finger North | | |The Shadow Coast the Wilderness
Windbiter's Finger South | | |The Shadow Coast
Windy Plains | | |Arafel Arafel
Withered Forest | | |
Woodlands of Saldaea | | |Saldaea Saldaea
[[]] | | |
[[]] | | |
[[]] | | |

Removed Zones

There are 33 zones that have been known to be removed from the game.

Name Release Date Creator Removed Date
Altaran Countryside December 29 2003 Khnum
Atop Garen's Wall October 3 2004 Endless and Myrddin
Deep Forest Sayuja and ?
Elmora January 15 2011
Garen's Wall October 3 2004 Elysia
Hills and Forests of Altara December 29 2003 Aldrius
Hooked Peninsula October 30 2004 Khnum and Aodh
Illian to Altara Road II December 29 2003 Fyrien
Illian to Altara Road I December 29 2003 Embla
Kirendad Savannah October 30 2004 Embla
Kirendad January 8 2006
Northern Cape October 30 2004 Tamarlyn and Sebastian
Northern Peaks of Tamika October 30 2004 Embla
Overgrown Forest December 29 2003 Bannon
Plains of Anangore October 30 2004 Khnum
Plains of Tarabon January 15 2011
Seanchan Coastal Plains October 30 2004 Tamarlyn and Astoria
Seanchan Northern Mountains East December 29 2003 Astoria
Seanchan Northern Mountains West December 29 2003 Myrddin
Seanchan Northern Tributaries December 29 2003 Kivix
Secluded Valley
Serene Countryside December 29 2003 Vivienne
Swampland Peninsula October 30 2004 Myrddin
Tarabon Countryside January 15 2011
The Dying Woodland November 23 2004 Khnum
The Eye of the World (zone)
The Hills of Altara July 5 2004 Armone
The Illian to Tear Road January 19 2005 Kaitsey and Tamarlyn
The Northern Forests of Ghealdan October 3 2004 Tamarlyn
The Outer Forest of Shadows October 3 2004 Myrddin
The Seanchan Marshes December 29 2003 Myrddin
Western Peaks of Tamika October 30 2004 Kaitsey
Wooded Countryside of Altara December 29 2003 Khnum

All Zones

There are 269 zone pages in total so far.

Name Number Grid Region Release Date Creator
A Bandit Stronghold 097 |(2,3) | |The Black Hills Elajh
Almoth Plain - Arad Doman Border 150 | | |Almoth PlainArad Doman January 9 2003 Mort
Along the Spine of the World 119 | | |The Spine of the World Thunder
Altaran Countryside 279 | | |Altara December 29 2003 Khnum
Amadicia (zone) 088 | | |Amadicia Sayuja and Ender
Amadician Countryside 273 | | |Amadicia December 29 2003 Elysia
Amador (zone) 090 | | |Amadicia Sayuja
Andoran Countryside East 295 |(7,-1) | |Andor September 29 2004 Damitri
Andoran Countryside West 297 |(6,-1) | |Andor September 29 2004 Damitri
Arad Doman East 152 | | |Arad Doman January 9 2003 Molliwiede and Sayuja
Arad Doman West 154 | | |Arad Doman January 9 2003 Tomasz
Aringill 063 |(6,0) | |Andor Nass
Atop Garen's Wall 289 | | |Ghealdan October 3 2004 Endless and Myrddin
Baerlon 020 |(-3,0) | |Andor Davian and Haen
Bandar Eban (zone) 155 | | |Arad Doman January 9 2003 Thunder, Dionysius, and Sayuja
Barren Hills 142 | | | Herid
Beneath the Desolate Mountains 128 | | |The Blight Doyn and Circe
Black Hills 027 |(3,4) | |The Black Hills Mist
Blighted Grove 046 | | |The Blight Sayuja
Blighted Hills 227 | | |The Blight
Blighted Mountain Pass 113 | | |The Blight Faldon
Blighted Mountains 111 | | |The Blight Herid
Blighted Ruins 329 | | |The Blight October 2 2006 Myrddin
Blighted Valley 156 | | |The Blight Nevas
Blue and White Ajah Quarters 269 |(6,5) | |Tar Valon
Borderlands North of Fal Dara 082 | | |Shienar Garan
Borderlands West of Fal Dara 085 | | |Shienar Yim
Braem Wood 017 |(2,1) | |Andor Sinprejic
Brown Ajah Quarters and Library 267 |(6,5) | |Tar Valon
Caemlyn Road East of Baerlon 039 |(-2,0) | |Andor Morthiel
Caemlyn Road East of Whitebridge 037 |(1,0) | |Andor Nass
Caemlyn Road West of Whitebridge 053 |(-1,0) | |Andor Taunt
Cairhien (zone) 137 |(8,3) | |Cairhien Doyn and Circe
Cairhien Province 074 |(7,2) | |Cairhien Eru, Mog and Sayuja
Caralain Grass 021 |(3,2) | |The Caralain Grass Eru
Central Tremalking 246 | | |Tremalking December 29 2003 Elysia
City in the Blight 032 | | |The Blight Mandarb
City of Illian 165 | | |Illian Cyrilla
City of Seandar 173 | | |Seanchan Empire May 11 2002 Lalita
Cold Rocks Hold 124 | | |The Aiel Waste Cyrilla and Sayuja
Court of Nine Moons and Tower of Ravens 206 | | |Seanchan Empire May 11 2002 Aodh
Dark Forest 139 | | | Cyrilla
Dark Fortress 213 | | |The Blight July 4 2004 Hephaestus
Darkwood 048 | | | Fafhrd
Deadly Braem East | | | May 11 2002 Eileen and Sayuja
Deadly Braem West | | | May 11 2002 Eileen and Sayuja
Decayed Forest 107 | | |The Blight Thunder
Deception Pass 064 | | | Zira
Deep Forest 089 | | | Sayuja and ?
Deep Within the Blasted Lands 147 | | |The Blight Nevas
Deep Within the Spine of the World 117 | | |The Spine of the World Thunder
Deep in Haddon Mirk 077 | | |The Haddon Mirk Sayuja
Desolate Valley in the Spine 118 | | |The Spine of the World Draken
Deven Ride 019 |(-3,-8) | |The Two Rivers Equith
Domani Coastal Palace 100 | | |Arad Doman January 9 2003 Aennor
Drowned Lands 140 | | |The Haddon Mirk August 3 2003
East City of Tanchico 282 | | |Tarabon July 4 2004 Elysia and Vivienne
East Tremalking 247 | | |Tremalking December 29 2003 Kivix
East of the Waterwood 096 |(0,-6) | |AltaraThe Two Rivers Faldon
Eastern Borderlands 168 | | |
Eastern Plains of Maredo 087 |(5,-5) | |The Plains of Maredo Eileen
Elmora 311 | | |Tarabon January 15 2011
Emond's Field 024 |(-3,-6) | |The Two Rivers
Endless Blight 112 | | |The Blight Azden and Thunder
Fal Dara Outskirts 183 | | |Shienar Doyn and Ivy
Fal Dara Road 091 |(6,6) | |Tar Valon
Fal Dara 028 | | |Shienar
Fallow Hills 157 | | |Kandor Tomasz
Falme 052 | | |Toman Head Sinprejic and Sayuja
Far Madding - Tear Road 105 |(6,-5) | |Far Madding Mogrash
Flood Plains of Seandar 175 | | |Seanchan Empire May 11 2002 Lalita
Foothills Bordering the Spine 110 | | |The Spine of the WorldShienar Cyrilla
Foothills of Tamika 287 | | |Seanchan Empire October 30 2004 Fyrien
Forested Hills 095 | | |Amadicia Haen and Sayuja
Forested Valley 083 | | | Mist
Forgotten Braem 018 |(3,1) | | Sinprejic
Fortress of Light Dungeon | | |Amadicia
Fortress of Light 054 | | |Amadicia Jaxon
Four Kings 012 |(3,0) | |Andor Kilvarnan
Garen's Wall 286 | | |Ghealdan October 3 2004 Elysia
Glancor 092 |(5,-3) | |Far Madding Doyn
Grasslands North of Seandar 174 | | |Seanchan Empire May 11 2002 Rosalyn
Grasslands 050 |(3,5) | |Tar Valon Jaric
Green and Yellow Ajah Quarters 265 |(6,5) | |Tar Valon
Haddon Mirk 035 | | |The Haddon Mirk Jaxon
High Upon the Spine of the World 116 | | |The Spine of the World Lasombra
Hills and Forests of Altara 277 | | |Altara December 29 2003 Aldrius
Hooked Peninsula | | |Seanchan Empire October 30 2004 Khnum and Aodh
Horse Thief Zone | | |
Illian Countryside 166 | | |Illian Lalita
Illian Peninsula 164 | | |Illian Molliwiede
Illian Road 163 | | |Illian Derek and Nevas
Illian to Altara Road II 278 | | |Altara December 29 2003 Fyrien
Illian to Altara Road I 280 | | |Illian December 29 2003 Embla
Imre Stand 067 | | |The Aiel Waste Gouki
In the Aiel Waste 123 | | |The Aiel Waste Dyvim
In the Forest 066 |(-1,1) | | Equith
In the Mountains of Mist 153 | | |The Mountains of Mist January 9 2003 Ishmael, Ulic, and Sayuja
Inner Caemlyn 010 |(5,0) | |Andor Mournblade
Isle Jafar 080 | | |Jafar Mournblade
Isle of Madmen North | | |The Isle of Mad Men July 27 2003 Armone & Dionysius
Isle of Madmen South | | |The Isle of Mad Men July 27 2003 Armone & Dionysius
Jangai Pass 078 | | |The Spine of the World Gouki and Sayuja
Jehannah 311 | | |Ghealdan July 15 2017 Elysia
Kandor (zone) 130 | | |Kandor Derek and Sayuja
King's Palace and Council Hall 189 | | |Illian Cyrilla
Kinslayer's Dagger 055 |(8,4) | |Cairhien Loki, Mog, Cyrilla and Sayuja
Kirendad Savannah | | |The Eye of the World October 30 2004 Embla
Kirendad | | |Seanchan Empire January 8 2006
Light Woods and Plains 184 | | |Arafel Leahl
Lockshear 043 | | | Nokraenom
Lugard (zone) 103 |(3,-3) | |Murandy Doyn
Lugard Road Through Murandy 162 |(3,-5) | |Murandy Wahkan and Lalita
Lugard Rooftops 230 |(3,-3) | |Murandy
Lush Forestland 135 | | | Jisix and Sayuja
Maerone 093 |(7,1) | |Cairhien Nass
Maradon 171 | | |Saldaea Dyvim
Mayene (city) 160 | | |Mayene December 29 2003 Derek, Dyvim and Vivienne
Mayene Peninsula 159 | | |Mayene August 4 2003
Mining Tunnels 084 | | |The Mountains of Mist Sayuja
Mountains of Mist 062 | | |The Mountains of Mist Fafhrd
Moveable Trolloc Camp | | |
New Far Madding North | | |Far Madding July 4 2004 Armone, Myrddin and Vivienne
New Far Madding South | | |Far Madding July 4 2004 Myrddin and Vivienne
North Misty Mountains 045 |(-5,-6) | |The Mountains of MistThe Two Rivers Fafhrd
North Road 038 |(-3,-3) | |The Two Rivers Yim, Garan, and Equith
North of Aringill 308 |(5,1) | |Andor May 8 2005
North of Lockshear 170 | | |The Blight August 19 2003 Dionysius, Ulric, and Bannon
Northeast Shores of Tar Valon 340 |(6,5) | |Tar Valon
Northern Almoth Plain 102 | | |Almoth Plain Dyvim
Northern Borderlands 109 | | | Doyn and Circe
Northern Cape | | |Seanchan Empire October 30 2004 Tamarlyn and Sebastian
Northern Fal Dara Road 076 | | |Shienar Wydane
Northern Peaks of Tamika | | |Seanchan Empire October 30 2004 Embla
Northern Plains of Altara 075 |(1,-5) | |Altara Circe
Northern Shayol Ghul 167 | | |The Blight July 4 2004 Nevas, Astoria and Aldrius
Northwest Tremalking 244 | | |Tremalking December 29 2003 Raygen
Old Road 036 | | |The Two Rivers Equith
Outer Caemlyn 011 |(5,0) | |Andor Mournblade
Outskirts of Whitebridge 115 |(0,1) | |Andor Eileen and Derek
Overgrown Forest 274 | | |Amadicia December 29 2003 Bannon
Parched Ground 141 | | |Shienar Mogrash
Pine Forest 136 | | |The Great Forest Aennor
Plains Along the Blight Border 131 | | |Saldaea Aennor
Plains of Anangore | | |Seanchan Empire October 30 2004 Khnum
Plains of Tarabon 312 | | |Tarabon January 15 2011
Quarry Road | | |The Two Rivers
Red and Gray Ajah Quarters 268 |(6,5) | |Tar Valon
Rocky Foothills 143 | | |The Spine of the World Aennor
Rocky Trail 061 | | |The Spine of the World Sayuja
Rugged Hills of Murandy 079 |(2,-4) | |Murandy Circe
Ruined Blight 226 | | |The Blight July 4 2004 Emalet and Khnum
Ruins of Rhahime Naille 181 |(3,8) | |The Black Hills May 13 2005
Saldaean Farmlands 145 | | |Saldaea Cirlly
Saldaean Plains 132 | | |Saldaea Cirlly
Scorched Earth 158 | | | July 4 2004 Molliweide
Seanchan Coastal Plains | | |Seanchan Empire October 30 2004 Tamarlyn and Astoria
Seanchan Northern Mountains East | | |Seanchan Empire December 29 2003 Astoria
Seanchan Northern Mountains West | | |Seanchan Empire December 29 2003 Myrddin
Seanchan Northern Tributaries | | |Seanchan Empire December 29 2003 Kivix
Seanchan Outpost 323 | | |The Haddon Mirk September 13 2006 Doyn
Seanchan Shore 205 | | |Seanchan Empire May 11 2002 Galvin
Seanchan Smob Chain | | |Seanchan Empire
Secluded Valley 306 | | |
Serenda Palace 272 | | |Amadicia
Serene Countryside 275 | | |Amadicia December 29 2003 Vivienne
Shadar Logoth II 014 | | | Mournblade
Shadar Logoth I 013 | | | Mournblade
Shadowspawn Stronghold 120 | | |The Blight Mogrash
Shayol Ghul 033 | | |The Blight Fade
Snowy Mountains 151 | | |Arad DomanThe Mountains of Mist January 9 2003 Shamash, Vivienne, and Sayuja
South Misty Mountains 047 | | |The Mountains of Mist Fafhrd
South of Amador 271 | | |Amadicia December 29 2003 Sebastian, Myrddin, Aldrius, Khnum and Vivienne
South of Cold Rocks Hold 125 | | |The Aiel Waste Cyrilla
South of Whitebridge 072 |(0,-2) | |Andor Rumplebarc
Southeast Shores of Tar Valon 338 |(6,5) | |Tar Valon April 16 2011
Southern Almoth Plain 127 | | |Almoth Plain Unira and Sayuja
Southern Kandor 294 | | |Kandor November 23 2004 Halvin
Southern Saldaean Countryside 292 | | |Saldaea October 3 2004 Khnum
Southwest Tremalking 245 | | |Tremalking December 29 2003 Myrddin and Decae
Sparse Woods 186 | | | Damitri
Spine of the World Southern Range 114 | | |The Spine of the World Sayuja and Ender
Sprawling Savannah 185 | | | Nevas
Stedding Shangtai 161 | | |The Spine of the World
Stedding Tsochan 089 | | |The Great Forest Itesh
Stedding Yandar 049 | | |Almoth Plain Sayuja
Stone Fortress 146 | | |Kandor Sayuja
Swampland Peninsula | | |Seanchan Empire October 30 2004 Myrddin
Tanchico Road 134 | | |Tarabon Sayuja and Sucellus
Tanchico 281 + 282 | | |East City of TanchicoWest City of TanchicoTarabon
Tar Valon (zone) 025 |(6,5) | |Tar Valon Urse
Tar Valon Forest 051 | | |Tar Valon Zira
Tar Valon Road North of Caemlyn 040 |(5,2) | |Andor Araglin
Tar Valon Road South of Tar Valon 086 |(5,4) | |Tar Valon Equith
Tarabon Countryside 310 | | |Tarabon January 15 2011
Taren Ferry 023 |(-3,-1) | |The Two Rivers Sinprejic
Tarendrelle at the Eldar 073 |(-1,-2) | |Andor Taunt
Tarwin's Gap 015 | | |Shienar 1993
Tear (zone) 041 | | |Tear Nass
Tear Road 094 |(6,-8) | |Tear Mogrash
Thakan'dar 034 | | |The Blight Nokraenom
The Blasted Lands 129 | | |The Blight Thunder, Elajh, and Sayuja
The Blight (zone) 029 | | |The Blight
The Cairhien Hills 299 |(7,4) | |Cairhien
The Cairhien to Tar Valon Road 284 |(6,3) | |Cairhien August 15 2004 Emalet, Tamarlyn and Myrddin
The Coastal Roadway 303 | | |IllianTear January 19 2005 Vivienne and Elysia
The Countryside of Far Madding 285 |(4,-5) | |Far Madding July 19 2004 Myrddin
The Dark Road 149 | | |The Blight Sayuja
The Dry Forest 263 | | | May 15 2004 Khnum
The Dying Plains 212 | | |The Blight June 22 2003 Cyrilla
The Dying Woodland 293 | | | November 23 2004 Khnum
The Endless Waste 122 | | |The Aiel Waste Ulric
The Eye of the World (zone) | | |The Eye of the World
The Hills of Altara 215 | | |Altara July 5 2004 Armone
The Hills of Kintara 065 |(5,-2) | |Kintara Zira
The Illian to Tear Road 302 | | |Illian January 19 2005 Kaitsey and Tamarlyn
The Kandori Keep 334 | | |Kandor April 11 2010 Doyn and Jaren
The Lakeside of Far Madding 296 |(6,-4) | |Far Madding August 7 2004 Myrddin
The Long Fal Dara Road 144 | | |Shienar Cirlly
The Lugard Highway 058 |(3,-2) | |Murandy Nokraenom
The North Black Hills 188 |(3,6) | |The Black Hills May 13 2005
The Northern Forests of Ghealdan 290 | | |Ghealdan October 3 2004 Tamarlyn
The Outer Forest of Shadows 291 | | |Ghealdan October 3 2004 Myrddin
The Plain of Lances 182 | | |Arafel Nevas
The Ruined Keep 056 | | |The Blight Mogrash
The Sea of Storms 328 | | |IllianTear March 9 2013
The Seanchan Marshes | | |Seanchan Empire December 29 2003 Myrddin
The Shadow Coast East 257 | | |The Shadow Coast December 29 2003 Fyrien
The Shadow Coast West 256 | | |The Shadow Coast December 29 2003 Considius and Elysia
The South Black Hills 068 |(3,3) | |The Black Hills Gray and Sinprejic
The Still Forest 030 | | |The Great Forest Mournblade and Sayuja
The Stone of Tear 042 | | |Tear Nass
The Sun Palace 138 |(8,3) | |Cairhien Doyn and Circe
The Sunken Castle 081 | | |Jafar Mournblade
The Tar Valon to Cairhien Road 283 |(6,4) | |Tar Valon August 15 2004 Vivienne
The Tear to Illian Road 266 | | |Tear January 19 2005 Tamarlyn, Elysia and Vivienne
The Volcano 069 | | |The Two Rivers Eru
The Waterless Sands 180 | | | May 15 2004 Sebastian
The Waterwood 026 |(-2,-6) | |The Two Rivers Haen
The Ways 060 | | | Zun, Fafhrd, Sayuja, Eileen
Thin Woodlands 176 | | |Arafel Endless and Lalita
Toman Head Road 204 | | |Toman Head May 11 2002 Ulric
Treacherous Mountains Within the Spine 121 | | |The Spine of the World Cyrilla
Tunnels and Caverns Beneath the Blight 169 | | |The Blight Maddoc
Twisted Forestlands 101 | | |Kandor Fizban
Underground 071 | | |The Blight Rumplebarc
Upper Floors of the White Tower 346 |(6,5) | |Tar Valon
Valan Luca's Menagerie 313 |(0,0) | |
Volcanic Blight 202 | | |The Blight July 4 2004 Halvin
Wandering the Thick Forest 187 | | | Tomasz
Waste Bordering the Spine 126 | | |The Aiel Waste Law
Wastelands 106 | | | Dyvim
Watch Hill 022 |(-3,-5) | |The Two Rivers Garan
West City of Tanchico 281 | | |Tarabon July 4 2004 Elysia and Vivienne
Western Misty Mountains 070 | | |The Mountains of Mist Fafhrd
Western Peaks of Tamika | | |Seanchan Empire October 30 2004 Kaitsey
Western Plains of Maredo 104 |(4,-4) | |The Plains of Maredo Cyrilla
Westwood by the Mountains 179 | | |The Two Rivers January 9 2003 Lalita
White Tower (zone) 057 |(6,5) | |Tar Valon
Whitebridge 016 |(0,0) | |Andor 1993
Windbiter's Finger North 258 | | |The Shadow Coast December 29 2003 Khanid
Windbiter's Finger South 259 | | |The Shadow Coast December 29 2003 Khnum
Windy Plains 178 | | |Arafel Aodh and Dionysius
Withered Forest 203 | | | July 4 2004 Endless
Wooded Countryside of Altara 276 | | |Altara December 29 2003 Khnum
Woodlands of Saldaea 133 | | |Saldaea Derek
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Zone Messages
