Weaves, Webs and Channeling the One Power

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Channeler Skills are those associated with the Male and Female Channeler class, broken down into Elements, the basic forces required, and Weaves, the magic-like abilities themselves.


  • Earth -
  • Air -
  • Fire -
  • Water -
  • Spirit -

Elements cost different pracs compared to normal weaves at a cost of 2 pracs per level. Elements also always advance one level per session. For example, if you prac Fire 4 times you will advance Fire to level 4 at a cost of 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 = 20 prac sessions. The percentage per session is fixed and is not influenced by stats.

The total cost of practicing Elements is as follows:

Level Prac Cost Total Pracs
Level 1 2 2
Level 2 4 6
Level 3 6 12
Level 4 8 20
Level 5 10 30
Level 6 12 42
Level 7 14 56


Weaves are used to describe the magic-like abilities granted to members of the Channeler class. Unlike other Skills, use of weaves entails the expenditure of Spell points, limiting the amount of times they can be used within a given time period without rest. All weaves cost 1 practice session and the percentage per practice is based only on your intelligence.

List of Weaves

Weave Clan Elements SPs Pulses Duration On Self On Engaged While Engaged Notes
Armor No     2S 5      5           1 tic per Level Yes Yes No Adds 10 DB to target.
Blind No 1E 1F 1S 10 10 3 tics Yes Yes No Inflicts target with Blind status, reducing OB and PB by 50% and DB by 20%.
Call lightning No 3A 1F 2W 12 10 No Yes Yes Inflicts high damageRange? on target. Only usable outdoors during a lightning storm.
Change Weather No 2A 3W 7 10 1 tic (stacks) Yes Causes weather to be hotter/colder, or causes/removes inclement weather.
Chill No 1W 10 5 6 tics Yes Yes Yes Reduces target's OB, DB, and PB by 10% each.
Contagion Yes 4E 3S 13 15 3 tics Yes Yes Yes Inflicts target with Contagion status, reducing OB and PB by 50% and DB by 20%.
Create Fog No 2A 3W 7 10 1 tic (stacks) Yes Fogs an entire zone after weaving multiple times.Verify?
Create Food No 1E 5 5 Yes Adds a strange fruit into your inventory.
Create Phantom Object No 3E 15 10 15 tics No Creates a non-removable object in the room.
Create Water No 1W 5 5 Yes Fills the targeted container with water.
Cure Blindness No 1F 3S 10 10 Yes Removes Blind status from target.
Cure Critical Wounds Yes 1E 5W 2S 12 25 No Heals target for a range of approximately 23-67 HPs.Verify?
Cure Fear Yes 4S 10 10 No Removes Fear status from target.
Cure Light Wounds No 1E 1W 2S 7 5 No No Yes Heals target for a range of approximately 6-22 HPs.Verify?
Cure Poison Yes 4E 3W 12 20 Yes No Removes Poison status from target.
Cure Serious Wounds Yes 1E 4W 2S 10 15 No Heals target for a range of approximately 9-52 HPs.Verify?
Deafen No 2E 1S 10 5 Yes Yes No Target can no longer hear tells, chats, narrates, or says. Can see emotes.
Earthquake No 4E 15 8 No Yes Yes Attack that engages all targets in room and knocks all riders off mounts and into sitting position.
Elemental Staff Yes 4A 3F 5W 25 ? 3 tics Creates and wields a two-handed woven staff for duration of weave.
Fear No 2S 15 13 3 tics No Yes Yes Inflicts target with Fear status.
Fireball Yes 7F 15 13 No Yes Yes Inflicts high damageRange? on target depending on temperature.
Flame Strike Yes 4F 10 9 No Yes Yes Inflicts low damageRange? on target depending on temperature.
Freeze Yes 3A 5S 15 10 3 tics No Yes No Encases target in ice, rendering them unable to move or enter commands.
Gate Yes 7E 4S 40 50
Hailstorm Yes 1A 4W 10 9 No Yes Yes Inflicts low damageRange? on target depending on temperature.
Hammer of Air Yes 4A 12 9 No Yes Yes Inflicts low damageRange? on target with a small chance to Bash as well.
Heal Yes 1E 6W 2S 50 50 No Heals target for a range of approximately 60-150 HPs.Verify?
Hurricane Yes 6A 15 15 No
Ice Spikes No 3A 3W 15 13 Yes Yes Yes Inflicts high damageRange? on target depending on temperature.
Incinerate Yes 7E 7F 7S 25 25
Light Ball No 1A 1F 5 5 1 tic per Level Yes Creates a light source for the caster. Cannot be darkened.
Locate Life Yes 2E 2A 4W 2S 12 15 No Shows caster the general location by zone of a specific target.
Locate Object Yes 4E 2A 2S 12 15 No Shows caster the general location by zone of a specific object.
Poison Yes 4E 3W 10 15 3 tics Yes Inflicts target with Poison status.
Refresh No 2E 2W 3S 15 20 No No Recovers a high amountRange? of MVs for any players and mounts following the channeler.
Remove Contagion No 2E 2S 10 20 Yes Removes Contagion status from target.
Remove Warding No 1E 1A 3S 10 20 Removes wards created by the Ward Object weave.
Sense Warding No 2S 10 5
Shield Yes 5S Renders target unable to sense the True Source while shielded.
Silence No 2E 1S 10 2 6 tics Yes Renders target unable to use channels.
Sleep Yes 3A 5S 10 25 Yes
Slice Weaves Yes 4F 4S 8 7 Interrupts the target's weaves.
Slow Yes 3A 5S 10 13 Yes Inflicts loss of half target's movement points.
Sonic Boom No 3A 1F 2W 15 13 Yes Inflicts damage to all targets in room not following the channeler. Has a chance to Deafen target.
Strength No 3E 3W 2S 12 15 No Increases target's Str stat based on channeler's (level/10) (max +3)
Sword of Flame Yes 3E 4A 5F 30 14 Creates and wields a two-handed medium blade for duration of weave.
Travel Yes 7E 2S 20 20 A player having No Quit increases the fail rate of this weave.
Ward Object No 3S 10 10 Targeted object cannot be picked up off ground by anyone else.
Warding vs Damage Yes 4E 4A 4W 25 25 3 tics Yes Reduces damage received by target by 1/2 to 1/4Verify? for duration of weave.
Warding vs Evil No 1S 7 10 4 ticsVerify? Yes Makes target appear friendly to enemy forces for duration of weave.Verify?
Whirlpool Yes 5W 20 13

See also

External links

  • Weave Trainer WotMUD Weave Trainer - Accurate weave practice trainer for all Ints and Ranks